CyberPower PDU41004 Metered PDU Series Metered PDU Series

CyberPower PDU41004 Metered PDU Series

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The CyberPower PDU41004, a 1U rackmount switched power distribution unit (PDU), provides 100-240V 15A output via 8 IEC-320 C13 receptacles from a single IEC-320 C14 input power plug. The switched outlet receptacles can be managed over the network by using the CyberPower Management Console, a web browser, and the RJ45 Ethernet port for network connection, or locally from the Power Control display. The PDU41001 offers outlets that can be turned on, turned off, or recycled on demand. Outlets can be programmed to address a number of needs including remote rebooting of locked equipment, load shedding, power sequencing, and locking out unauthorized loads. With a three-year limited warranty, you can trust CyberPower's commitment to high quality.